a waking world

So, here is the world

that thing of atoms and magic

and then I, having just woken

see it like in a womb

of sleep

and lately I’ve not been

wanting to wake

despite the nightmare in my dreams but

here I am

an aching back and gooey eyes

yawning and stretching and rolling over

trying to wrap sleep around me once more

trying to pass the day into a day into a day

into a second in an hour of

time passing

but nothing will ever get done like that

and life will pass strolling by laughing

stepping my sleeping toes into the gravel

that will all-too-soon be graves

and you

you sit there watching

and I wish I didn’t put thoughts in your


instead I read your silence like a novel

and remind myself

that I will not react.

One thought on “a waking world

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